25% of CEOs’ Time Is Spent on Tasks Machines Could Do | Harvard Business Review

Like President Johnson in the 1960s, we see that automation could make a major contribution to productivity and prosperity… For companies around the world, automation will offer the potential to capture substantial value — and not just from labor substitution. These technologies enable higher throughput, enhanced quality, better outcomes, greater safety, and the opportunity to scale up or adopt new business models.
Source: 25% of CEOs’ Time Is Spent on Tasks Machines Could Do
25% of CEOs’ Time Is Spent on Tasks Machines Could Do | Harvard Business Review
Like President Johnson in the 1960s, we see that automation could make a major contribution to productivity and prosperity… For companies around the world, automation will offer the potential to capture substantial value — and not just from labor substitution. These technologies enable higher throughput, enhanced quality, better outcomes, greater safety, and the opportunity to scale up or adopt new business models.
Source: 25% of CEOs’ Time Is Spent on Tasks Machines Could Do