Bubble? So What? Token Summit Marks Cryptocurrency’s Revitalization | Forbes

Chris Burniske, blockchain products lead at ARK Investment Management, the first public fund manager to invest in bitcoin, explained, “It’s important for us to figure out what’s utility and what’s speculative, because, in times of correction, we will likely compress through speculative value until we hit utility value.”

… fielding an audience question about why a startup would go for an ICO in which it would raise a lot of money but also give away much of the company with a low probability of being able to get more funding, Wilson responded, “If you think about it as just a way to finance your company, you’re not thinking about it properly. The way to think about it is that the token is also the native monetization model for your business, and if you execute your business well, the value of that token should rise as the utility of the product you ship goes up in value.” Then, he said, though you’re giving away a lot of the tokens right away, the value of the tokens you keep should rise substantially and net you a tidy profit. For example, he and Mougayar speculated that Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin had a half percent of all Ethers, which at that moment was about $90 million.

Source: Bubble? So What? Token Summit Marks Cryptocurrency’s Revitalization

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Bubble? So What? Token Summit Marks Cryptocurrency’s Revitalization | Forbes

Chris Burniske, blockchain products lead at ARK Investment Management, the first public fund manager to invest in bitcoin, explained, “It’s important for us to figure out what’s utility and what’s speculative, because, in times of correction, we will likely compress through speculative value until we hit utility value.”

… fielding an audience question about why a startup would go for an ICO in which it would raise a lot of money but also give away much of the company with a low probability of being able to get more funding, Wilson responded, “If you think about it as just a way to finance your company, you’re not thinking about it properly. The way to think about it is that the token is also the native monetization model for your business, and if you execute your business well, the value of that token should rise as the utility of the product you ship goes up in value.” Then, he said, though you’re giving away a lot of the tokens right away, the value of the tokens you keep should rise substantially and net you a tidy profit. For example, he and Mougayar speculated that Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin had a half percent of all Ethers, which at that moment was about $90 million.

Source: Bubble? So What? Token Summit Marks Cryptocurrency’s Revitalization

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Disrupting the trust business | The Economist

Will the centre hold?
These efforts give a taste of what will be possible, says Albert Wenger of Union Square Ventures (USV), a venture-capital firm. He thinks that such decentralised organisations could one day disrupt the tech giants. At their heart, he argues, those tech titans are gigantic centralised databases, keeping track of products and purchase histories (Amazon), users and their friends (Facebook), and web content and past search queries (Google). “Their value derives from the fact that they control the entire database and get to decide who sees which part of it and when,” he says.

In some areas the blockchain may even make life easier for governments. Last year Dubai announced that it wants all government documents secured on a blockchain by 2020, a prerequisite for agencies to become completely paperless. The technology could also be used as a cheap platform to generate what poor countries lack most: more efficient government and trust in contracts. And some hope that the blockchain could make the United Nations work better by helping it keep track of all its programmes, creating transparency and reducing waste.

Source: Disrupting the trust business | The Economist

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Disrupting the trust business | The Economist

Will the centre hold?
These efforts give a taste of what will be possible, says Albert Wenger of Union Square Ventures (USV), a venture-capital firm. He thinks that such decentralised organisations could one day disrupt the tech giants. At their heart, he argues, those tech titans are gigantic centralised databases, keeping track of products and purchase histories (Amazon), users and their friends (Facebook), and web content and past search queries (Google). “Their value derives from the fact that they control the entire database and get to decide who sees which part of it and when,” he says.

In some areas the blockchain may even make life easier for governments. Last year Dubai announced that it wants all government documents secured on a blockchain by 2020, a prerequisite for agencies to become completely paperless. The technology could also be used as a cheap platform to generate what poor countries lack most: more efficient government and trust in contracts. And some hope that the blockchain could make the United Nations work better by helping it keep track of all its programmes, creating transparency and reducing waste.

Source: Disrupting the trust business | The Economist

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The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology, by William Mougayar (Examples)

A sampling of Blockchain implementations sited in
Mougayar, William. The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology. Wiley

BITNATION: Governance 2.0

Otonomos your instant company incorporation| Manage your companies online with Otonomos | Otonomos BCC Pte. Ltd.

BoardRoom | Blockchain Governance Suite

Guardtime secures over a million Estonian healthcare records on the blockchain

La’Zooz – A value system designed for sustainibility

MaidSafe – The New Decentralized Internet

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The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology, by William Mougayar (Examples)

A sampling of Blockchain implementations sited in
Mougayar, William. The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology. Wiley

BITNATION: Governance 2.0

Otonomos your instant company incorporation| Manage your companies online with Otonomos | Otonomos BCC Pte. Ltd.

BoardRoom | Blockchain Governance Suite

Guardtime secures over a million Estonian healthcare records on the blockchain

La’Zooz – A value system designed for sustainibility

MaidSafe – The New Decentralized Internet

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The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology, by William Mougayar

Innovators Dilemma
It is difficult to innovate within your business model, because you will typically attempt to tie everything back to it, resulting in a shortsighted and limited view of what is possible. This is especially true if your business has a trust-related function (such as a clearinghouse). Current intermediaries will encounter the hardest change, because the blockchain hits at the core of their value proposition. They will need to be creative, and dare disrupting themselves while folding some blockchain capabilities under their offerings, and creatively developing new value proposition elements. They will need to realize that it is better to shoot yourself in the foot, rather than to have someone else shoot you in the head. This will not be an easy transition, because changing business models could be difficult to achieve in large organizations for a variety of factors.

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The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology, by William Mougayar

Innovators Dilemma
It is difficult to innovate within your business model, because you will typically attempt to tie everything back to it, resulting in a shortsighted and limited view of what is possible. This is especially true if your business has a trust-related function (such as a clearinghouse). Current intermediaries will encounter the hardest change, because the blockchain hits at the core of their value proposition. They will need to be creative, and dare disrupting themselves while folding some blockchain capabilities under their offerings, and creatively developing new value proposition elements. They will need to realize that it is better to shoot yourself in the foot, rather than to have someone else shoot you in the head. This will not be an easy transition, because changing business models could be difficult to achieve in large organizations for a variety of factors.

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Want VC Returns? This Firm Makes It Possible For Everyday People

A venture fund digital token could solve a problem in venture capital. “My phone is blowing up with other VCs saying I want to do this — not blockchain and bitcoin VCs — because the biggest problem with venture, the thing everyone hates about venture capital, is that it’s delivered fantastic returns but no one wants to invest in an asset that’s locked up for 5-10 years. The idea you can invest in a venture fund and have liquidity is probably the most innovative thing that has ever happened in venture capital.”

Stan Miroshnik, managing director of the Argon Group, an investment bank focused on cryptocurrency- and token-based capital markets, which will be managing the crowdsale, said the BCAP was significant for several reasons.

“What you don’t have in traditional LP investment is the freedom to sell your limited partner interest. There’s usually a redemption period, a redemption notice period, a valuation process and then it’s unclear what the value of your piece of the portfolio is. What’s unique here is not only do you have the freedom, but the secondary market tells you what the market’s view of the worth of this asset is,” he said

Source: Want VC Returns? This Firm Makes It Possible For Everyday People

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