IATA Digital Coin | YouTube

IATA shared its inspirational idea at WFS 2016 FinTech session – IATA digital coin. Lykke is proud to have had a chance to contribute!

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Digital currency in aviation financing | International Law Office

Although there are a few disadvantages associated with using digital currency as a means of trade, it poses advantages in eliminating the numerous costs imposed by intermediaries. Further, it is a secure form of currency as each user is in control of their money and there is less economic risk associated with trading with digital currencies.

Source: Digital currency in aviation financing – Newsletters – International Law Office

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Startup Management » Safe ICO Practices (SIP)

In a nutshell, there are four commonly emerging areas where a lot of the risk can build-up:The amount of disclosure about the token creation event (the sale itself)Decisions around the terms structure of these offeringsThe ongoing level of credible transparency about the evolution of the project, post-saleToo much speculative activity in the public exchanges prior to going live, causing a disconnect between value and valuationNote that the following set of thoughts are not regulatory prescriptions. They are suggested practices, that once properly implemented could help to avoid unnecessary regulation. At least, they could contribute to promoting a more healthy self-discipline by ICO practitioners.

Source: Startup Management » Safe ICO Practices (SIP)

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Crypto Valley Association Comes Out in Support for Careful ICO Regulation; Announces ICO Code of Conduct | Crypto Valley

The announcement describes the development of an official, CVA-supported ICO Code of Conduct, a framework designed to guide ICOs on proper conduct, taking into account all legal, moral, and security obligations. The ICO Code of Conduct is expected to bring clarity and confidence towards a new, rapidly-growing asset class.

Source: Crypto Valley Association Comes Out in Support for Careful ICO Regulation; Announces ICO Code of Conduct | Crypto Valley

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The ICO Governance Deficit | CoinDesk

An irony of the SEC’s finding on The DAO is that — the infamous hack aside — from one standpoint The DAO was an unusually investor-friendly token. Specifically, its governance was structured in a manner akin to a New England town hall: investors would have had voting rights over all potential DAO projects.

Source: The ICO Governance Deficit | CoinDesk

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A Brief Introduction to Token Sales – A blog by Vinny Lingham

Firstly, you have to ask yourself, what is your token good for and why will people buy it?

Secondly, you have to design your token in such a way that it makes sense to prospective users, and be as clear as you can when you describe the terms and functionality in connection with the sale of the tokens. A token sale is essentially the same as a crypto currency — e.g., Bitcoin or Ether — but the distinct difference is that you’re not offering a crypto coin that is mined with consensus rules, instead you’re offering a token, for example Civic (CVC), which might have a special purpose (smart contracting, etc). Tokens are typically not mined — they merely sit on top of the crypto platform they are issued upon.

Source: A Brief Introduction to Token Sales – A blog by Vinny Lingham

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