What Blockchain Can’t Do

As the ecosystem around blockchain technology develops, new types of intermediaries will emerge that turn the last-mile problem, of keeping digital records in sync with their offline counterparts, into actual business opportunities. While the technology is early stage, as these key complements mature, blockchain has the potential to fundamentally reshape ownership over digital data, and the digital platforms we use every day.

Source: What Blockchain Can’t Do, Catherine Tucker & Christian Catalini, June 28, 2018

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Deloitte Blockchain Boss Departs To Build Ethereum Supply Chain

there are a number of entirely new business models that could be tapped by moving the supply chain to a shared, distributed, immutable ledger.For example, Coble described future supply chain products that flipped the current system on its head by letting parts suppliers publicly broadcast real-time details about unused goods that could be used in any number of products.Coble described her vision for this type of functionality in the future:It provides an environment, a marketplace, for trading partners across the supply chain to be in one place. It allows for this new buy and sell functionality that has never been put together.

Source: Deloitte Blockchain Boss Departs To Build Ethereum Supply Chain,

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Wal-Mart and IBM want to harness blockchain to improve food safety | The New Food Economy

The Walmart-IBM software may facilitate digitization, certificate management, and interoperability. But while these things can improve traceability and transparency, the human element of the food supply chain is far more resistant to control and far less predictable. If the ultimate success of the blockchain relies on self-governance, we may be a long way from it being a food traceability backbone we can truly rely on.

Source: Wal-Mart and IBM want to harness blockchain to improve food safety | The New Food Economy, Jessica McKenzie, February 4th, 2018

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3 Innovative Ways Blockchain Will Build Trust In The Food Industry | Forbes

For example, let’s say dozens of customers fall ill with listeria after eating at a restaurant chain. The restaurant tests the food and discovers raw vegetables are the culprit. Using a blockchain track-and-trace solution, the restaurant will be able to track the serial number associated with the vegetable shipment back to the distributor and then to their original supplier. If they find the vegetables are contaminated, that supplier will immediately be flagged on the blockchain, and anyone who has sourced or bought the vegetables will be made aware of the danger.

Source: 3 Innovative Ways Blockchain Will Build Trust In The Food Industry | Forbes, Samantha Radocchia, April 26, 2018

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Blockchain in action: 5 interesting examples  | The Enterprisers Project

“In deciding whether to use blockchain, it is helpful to think about whether [its] unique characteristics provide business value. For example, if an industry has no system of trusted middlemen – or if existing middlemen are expensive or otherwise add friction – blockchain might be a good fit.”

Source: Blockchain in action: 5 interesting examples  | The Enterprisers Project, Kevin Casey, July 02, 2018

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Simply defining Enterprise Blockchain | LinkedIn

Why does Enterprise Blockchain matter?

Because, today, no business operates in isolation. It should not be a stretch to think that multiple institutions could achieve more together then any single institution can alone. By implementing business processes that leverage the collective knowledge of the group, processes can be orders of magnitude more cost efficient. And even more interesting, new processes can be created that were not possible before which open up new opportunity.

Source: Simply defining Enterprise Blockchain | LinkedIn, Jerry Cuomo, June 30, 2018

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EY Launches Blockchain Content Rights Platform with Microsoft as Partner | CCN

The solution aims to have a real-time visibility of transactions that will hopefully give market participants an insight into the market and better understand the dynamics that underlie the industry. Apart from this, one of the major issues they solve by utilizing blockchain technology is overcoming operational inefficiencies and eliminate manual reconciliation. This speeds up the overall process and polishes the workflow. This new blockchain based solution helps Microsoft’s affiliates gain insights into the transactions much quicker, as compared to 45 days or more on legacy systems.

According to a report by the US department of commerce, core copyright industries grew by 4.8% year over year during 2012-2015, which stood at a massive $1.2 trillion as of 2015. This reflects the explosive growth in the sector and the potential for blockchain technology-based systems to disrupt the space.

Source: EY Launches Blockchain Content Rights Platform with Microsoft as Partner | CCN, June 24, 2018

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