Forging ahead with Blockchain in 2018: My Focus in 2018 for Blockchain Technology and Transforming Industries, Government and Our Lives | LinkedIn

The blockchain ecosystem, driven by new business models, promises of disintermediation, and interesting technological innovation, has behaved much like an adolescent by throwing tantrums, challenging the status quo, and defying all odds to make a point.
The permissioned network, which is the realm for regulated, conventional, and enterprise business networks, may also have to embark on a journey of uncovering the right incentive and economic model for enterprises and organizations to join a platform that leverages the notion of creation, distribution, and sharing of rewards benefitting all stakeholders. While not all conventional business and industries can blindly adopt the economic incentives of tokenomics (either due to product catalogues, legacy systems, or regulation, or simply the will of the participants), it is imperative that industries start the journey to explore the right business model that will not only enable value creation but also elevate the modernization efforts that many industries desperately need to combat disruptive forces.
Source: Forging ahead with Blockchain in 2018: My Focus in 2018 for Blockchain Technology and Transforming Industries, Government and Our Lives | LinkedIn, Nitin Gaur, December 31, 2017
Here’s my $0.02 USD or, as of this post’s date, 0.000001 Crypto Comment on the post:
I find the Divide a funny thing. Do you think Enterprise players would be so quick to adopt these technologies if it were not for the whacky ICOs and crypto market capitalizations? Congrats to both sides of the Divide; the decentralist trailblazers and players like IBM and other Linux Foundation members for recognizing they are on to something but need to focus on matters like those posted by Nitin for enterprises to start listening.
Happy Trails to both sides of the divide in 2018!