Posts Tagged ‘bitcoin’
John Oliver Tackles Cryptocurrency on Last Week Tonight – Bitcoin News
Crypto heads will have learned nothing from Sunday’s edition of Last Week Tonight, though the show’s four million viewers should have gleaned a few insights amidst all the jokes. There have certainly been worse attempts at summarizing the world of cryptocurrency, even if Oliver’s efforts are unlikely to trigger a renewed bitcoin frenzy. The episode felt as if Oliver had just learned of cryptocurrency 10 minutes before going on air, and felt obliged to bring his audience up to speed on its history and technology post-haste.
Source: John Oliver Tackles Cryptocurrency on Last Week Tonight – Bitcoin News, Kai Sedgwick, March 13, 2018
Read MoreBitcoin’s Blockchain Tech Could Bring Sweeping Innovation to Legal Industry | The Legal Intelligencer
While the days of full-scale adoption may be well off, it would certainly behoove attorneys to stay abreast of developments in both blockchain and cryptocurrencies. As this technology breaks further into the mainstream, attorneys should be prepared not only to counsel clients, but to implement these new tools in a way that elevates the quality and value of our professional services.
See estate planning and land title records use cases.
Source: Bitcoin’s Blockchain Tech Could Bring Sweeping Innovation to Legal Industry | The Legal Intelligencer, Matthew Decker, January 24, 2018
Read MoreDon Tapscott: “We Need Microsurgery on This New Economy” | News | Cointelegraph
But you know, if you’re doing an ICO and the token represents a share in the company that’s called a security, it should fall under securities legislation. But we need microsurgery on this new economy. We don’t need to bring a chainsaw to it. This would be one of the three most important rate determining factors in terms of what countries emerge not just with the Blockchain industry, but with the whole new innovation economy. Do governments do the right thing and implement sensible legislation or did they mess it up?
The supply chain industry globally is a $64 trillion industry and supply chains are going to move to Blockchain. You can see that with Foxconn doing this now, we’ve done a case on that. On the Walmart food sale they use Blockchain for food safety. The biggest supply chain in the world ever is the ‘One Belt One Road’ project linking Hong Kong and Rotterdam. All the trade and finance and a lot of the supply apps on that are being done via Blockchain.
Blockchain is perfect for situations where you have a buyer and a seller and escrow agent, and governments, and various shippers, and tax authorities and so on. Instead of passing pieces of paper and faxing, and emails and so on, they have a single shared network state where they can all instantly see what’s going on. It turns that supply chain into something we call an asset chain. And ultimately, this thing becomes cognitive. It really becomes a new cognitive computer. That’s where the supply chain will be.
Source: Don Tapscott: “We Need Microsurgery on This New Economy” | News | Cointelegraph | News | Cointelegraph, January 29, 2018
Thanks, Ahmed!
Read MoreCryptoKitties makes it easy to understand blockchain and genetics
CryptoKitties is a “cryptocollectable” game where people collect digital cats with specific traits, which can be used to breed other digital cats.Since no centralized organization created all the cats, and the system is recorded on a ledger to prevent fraud, its founders say it may be an easy way to understand blockchain technology.
Source: CryptoKitties makes it easy to understand blockchain and genetics, Michelle Castillo, December 18, 2017
Read MoreBlockchain Brain Drain Is About More Than Money – CoinDesk
Blockchainers around the world talk about the benefits of disruption and the transformative nature of peer-to-peer, decentralized, distributed networks. The technology may automate and reduce reliance on manual work. However, basic needs for human relationships and bonds do not change much.
Source: Blockchain Brain Drain Is About More Than Money – CoinDesk, Sandra Ro, December 15, 2017
Read MoreHow blockchain will underpin the new trust economy | Computerworld
“The blockchain/trust economy trend represents a remarkable power shift from large, centralized trust agents to the individual,” Deloite stated. “And while its broader implications may not be fully understood for years to come, it is hardly a death knell for banks, credit agencies, and other transactional intermediaries. It may mean, however, that with blockchain as the gatekeeper of identity and trust, business and government will have to create new ways to engage the individual – and to add value and utility in the rapidly evolving trust economy.”
Source: How blockchain will underpin the new trust economy | Computerworld, Lucas Mearian, December 7, 2017
Read MoreBitcoin to Hit from $10,000, to $100,000 & even $1 Million USD | YouTube
Read MoreIs Bitcoin the currency of the future, or is it the payment system they’re developing?
Bingo! It’s the payment system. It’s the blockchain encryption.
John McAfee: Buy Bitcoin Now! (No bubble) | YouTube
As the Bitcoin network grows, the value of Bitcoin grows. As people move into Bitcoin for payments and receipts, they stop using US dollars, Euros, Chinese Yuan, which in the long term, devalues these currencies.
People think that Bitcoin or the blockchain is owned by someone, by a company, or by a consortium. No. This is strictly a mathematical formula that nobody owns, that we are all participating in, verifying the authenticity of the sender and receiver in a financial transaction. It is the most powerful technology that the world has seen I believe since the invention of agriculture.
John McAfee… swift to spot its potential for lining his pockets. With a Twitter audience of over half a million hanging on his every word, he’s taken to pumping altcoins with aplomb.
Cryptocurrency Influencers Accused of Aiding Pump and Dumps – Bitcoin News, Kai Sedgwick, December 28, 2017
Read MoreThe tokenization of things | Matthew Roszak | TEDxSanFrancisco
Read MorePublished on Oct 31, 2017
Matthew Roszak shares how we’re transitioning from an old model where money use to equal to power changing to money becoming technology via the rise of cryptocurrencies and tokenized assets on the blockchain. Matthew Roszak is co-founder and chairman of Bloq, a leading blockchain enterprise software company. Mr. Roszak is also founding partner of Tally Capital, a private investment firm focused on digital assets and blockchain-enabled technology with a portfolio of over 20 investments, including Block.One, Civic, Factom, Rivetz and Qtum.Mr. Roszak is a blockchain investor, entrepreneur and advocate. He has spent over 20 years in private equity and venture capital with Advent International, Keystone Capital Partners, Platinum Venture Partners and SilkRoad Equity, and has invested over $1 billion of capital (from start-up to IPO) in a broad range of industries. Mr. Roszak is a director and beneficial owner of Eboost, Enter Financial, MissionMode, Neu Entity, Onramp, SolidSpace and TrueLook.
Mr. Roszak serves as chairman of the Chamber of Digital Commerce, the world’s largest trade association representing the blockchain industry. In addition, Mr. Roszak serves on the board of BitGive, a no This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Introduction To “The Satoshi Revolution” – New Book by Wendy McElroy Exclusively on – Bitcoin News
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
— R. Buckminster FullerThe revolution of 2009 went unnoticed by most people because it was peaceful, orderly and profoundly technological. In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto released open source software by which peer-to-peer transfers of digital wealth, called bitcoins, flashed over an immutable and transparent ledger, called the blockchain.
A new model challenged the existing reality and peacefully rendered it obsolete. Instead of toppling a government only to have another rise in its place, the new model rendered all governments irrelevant through a new technology and a private currency unlike anything seen before. Bitcoins move seamlessly through a world without states or borders, obeying only the command of individuals who choose to deal with each other. Immune to currency manipulation and inflation, they do not serve the powerful elites at the expense of average people; it is a people’s currency. Transfers are pseudonymous with substantial privacy provided by encryption algorithms and hash functions. The blockchain is immutable and visible to all which makes it immune to corruption.
In an instant, the world changed forever.
Source: Introduction To “The Satoshi Revolution” – New Book by Wendy McElroy Exclusively on – Bitcoin News, Wendy McElroy, September 23, 2017
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