The Blockchain Research Institute Manifesto: Realizing the new promise of the digital economy | Don Tapscott | Pulse | LinkedIn

The new paradigm is calling forth a new generation of leaders. Leadership for this distributed future is and will come from everywhere – in organizations, industries, our economies and society. Leadership is an opportunity for each of us.  

Source: The Blockchain Research Institute Manifesto: Realizing the new promise of the digital economy | Don Tapscott | Pulse | LinkedIn

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The Blockchain Revolution will not be a dinner party | Stephane Laurent 罗思凡 MBA | Pulse | LinkedIn

More recently, major banks in Russia have adopted blockchain technology to make transactions more efficient and safer. Also, a number of former Soviet republics have started using it to secure property titles. Finally, Dubai aims at becoming the world’s first government to utilize Blockchain for all transactions by 2020

Source: The Blockchain Revolution will not be a dinner party | Stephane Laurent 罗思凡 MBA | Pulse | LinkedIn

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Startup Management » Safe ICO Practices (SIP)

In a nutshell, there are four commonly emerging areas where a lot of the risk can build-up:The amount of disclosure about the token creation event (the sale itself)Decisions around the terms structure of these offeringsThe ongoing level of credible transparency about the evolution of the project, post-saleToo much speculative activity in the public exchanges prior to going live, causing a disconnect between value and valuationNote that the following set of thoughts are not regulatory prescriptions. They are suggested practices, that once properly implemented could help to avoid unnecessary regulation. At least, they could contribute to promoting a more healthy self-discipline by ICO practitioners.

Source: Startup Management » Safe ICO Practices (SIP)

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Crypto Valley Association Comes Out in Support for Careful ICO Regulation; Announces ICO Code of Conduct | Crypto Valley

The announcement describes the development of an official, CVA-supported ICO Code of Conduct, a framework designed to guide ICOs on proper conduct, taking into account all legal, moral, and security obligations. The ICO Code of Conduct is expected to bring clarity and confidence towards a new, rapidly-growing asset class.

Source: Crypto Valley Association Comes Out in Support for Careful ICO Regulation; Announces ICO Code of Conduct | Crypto Valley

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The ICO Governance Deficit | CoinDesk

An irony of the SEC’s finding on The DAO is that — the infamous hack aside — from one standpoint The DAO was an unusually investor-friendly token. Specifically, its governance was structured in a manner akin to a New England town hall: investors would have had voting rights over all potential DAO projects.

Source: The ICO Governance Deficit | CoinDesk

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Blockchain is Eating Wall Street | Alex Tapscott | TEDxSanFrancisco – YouTube

Trust is the expectation that the other party will abide by their commitments. That they will act with integrity. And it’s been very difficult to get people to do that. What if we could program that into the fabric of our economy? What if we had a new protocol, a trust protocol on top of which we could build any kind of business? So it’s an exciting time. One fraught with peril but also lots of possibilities. Because it appears that once again the technology genie has been unleashed from the bottle. Summoned by an unknown person or persons with unclear motives at a very uncertain time in history. This genie is once again at our disposal to broker, to fix a broken system and to transform the economic power grid and the old order of human affairs for the better if we will it.

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The Board Directors You Need for a Digital Transformation | HBR

  • Digital thinker. The director has had little direct interaction with digital as an operator but conceptually understands the digital environment. They have been a board director or adviser in a digital business but are not a digital native.
  • Digital disruptor. The director has been deeply embedded in digital, often with experience from a pure-play company. This type of leader typically has less general management breadth.
  • Digital leader. The director has had substantial experience running a traditional business that leverages digital in a significant way (retail or media, for example). It’s likely that this person has less hands-on digital experience but has managed disruption as a general manager.
  • Digital transformer. The director has led or participated in a transformation of a traditional business. Typically the person does not have the seniority of a digital leader but is more digitally astute.

Digital transformation needs to be wholesale. Digital innovation needs to permeate and recast every aspect of the business and the board. Companies that do so will thrive in the new world, and those that do not, sooner or later, will fail.

Source: The Board Directors You Need for a Digital Transformation | HBR

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Blockchain: Massively Simplified | Richie Etwaru | TEDxMorristown – YouTube

Richie Etwaru, discusses the opportunity and implications of blockchain as a paradigm to slow/close the expanding trust gap in commerce. He unpacks blockchain to a level of simplicity to be consumed by those who are just starting to understand and explore the paradigm. He lays out a current state of commerce, suggesting that every company is currently at risk of being disrupted or incurring severe strain from a blockchain version of itself.

Every company in the world today, not just the intermediaries, are at risk of having competition from a blockchain version of themselves.

We are at the ground floor of a new paradigm in humanity that will change the human experience called Blockchain. The thing it is going to change is Trust.


Blockchain in one word: “Trust”

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