The centre cannot hold: The shift towards decentralized systems | BetaKit

The online content economy is also in disarray right now. Fake news and anonymous trolls are bringing out the worst in people, allowing them the megaphone of the internet without the social (trust) constructs from real life. This is because the internet grew before there were any strong trust frameworks that could be applied — it shows the danger of a decentralized system without appropriate trust and reputation systems.It may take significant time to rebuild a healthy interaction space, but there seems to be more room for improvement than there is for further degradation. Frameworks for reputation-based pseudo anonymous systems are now maturing and leveraging technologies such as blockchain to find the right balance between anonymity, reputation and accountability.
Now, or soon, many industries will be at the pivot point. This is due to software, blockchains, AI, robotics and other technological progress which now allows for trusted decentralized systems that are also highly efficient. More decentralized models will become just as efficient — and perhaps more efficient — than their current centralized counterparts.
This means that new markets will be attacked from different positions on the System of Control spectrum. Highly decentralized or lightly decentralized, a new breed of companies will threaten existing business models and customer motivation, as much as they will their technology and product. Even more middle men will be cut out, as decentralized entities rethink where the value in the system truly lies.
Thanks Chris for the share.
Source: The centre cannot hold: The shift towards decentralized systems | BetaKit