What I learned from 30 Blockchain CEOs » Brave New Coin

It’s important to keep in mind that while blockchain is disruptive, it’s bound by the same rules as most businesses. They need to find good talent, build strong cultures, get their hands dirty in real work, and add actual value.
“Non-fungible tokens and tokenization of assets is currently the most exciting. We are at very early stages but everyday there are new developments. For example, the project of ERC1155 is fascinating. Developers involved aim to solve the problem of scalability while merging fungible with non-fungible tokens functions. A clear advantage of the work done is the exchange of multiple non-fungible (ERC721) tokens in one transaction.” — Marc Couzic, CEO @ Fieldcoin
“I am most excited about asset tokenization, especially in the intellectual property space. By tokenizing IP and enabling efficient trading of these tokens, a couple of things can happen: 1) Access is broadened to everyone through fractional ownership and opening up a global market with 24/7 trading. 2) Value is unlocked by unbundling and tokenizing ownership and utility rights separately. For example, in the entertainment space, owners of movie and music intellectual properties do not have any way to easily tokenize rights. Smart contracts makes ownership, usage, and distribution of value programmable through tokenization.”
— Jeffrey Huang, CEO, Mithril
Source: What I learned from 30 Blockchain CEOs » Brave New Coin, Misha Yurchenko, Novmber 18, 2018