Canada trialing use of Ethereum blockchain to enhance transparency in govt funding – National |

Every time the NRC gives a grant to a company or individual, it shares that information with Bitaccess, which stores the data on the secure and tamper-proof Ethereum blockchain. Individual grant information is then posted online.
Canadians can peruse grant information by monetary value, date, recipient and region. They can also verify grant information by clicking on the Transaction ID link, which takes them to the unique transaction listing on the online Ethereum transaction database
As of Saturday, Jan. 20, the biggest grant listed on the database was an $11,849,901 contribution to an industry R&D project at Ryerson University.
In November, Buterin tweeted out a poll asking his half a million followers to vote on which institutions they would most like to see adopt blockchain storage.
With 44 per cent of the vote, the “government” option easily won out.
Source: Canada trialing use of Ethereum blockchain to enhance transparency in govt funding – National |, Rahul Kalvapalle, January 20, 2018