How blockchain could solve the internet privacy problem | Computerworld

“I don’t believe there’s a ton of people who are suddenly going to wake up this summer and say, ‘I need to download a self-sovereign identity wallet for my phone,’ ” Windley said. “What’s more likely to happen is they’re going to go into their bank or credit union and they’re going to say, ‘We have this new way of logging into your account.’ You’ll download an app.”

Behind the scenes, the bank and customer will exchange non-correlatable identifiers; they’ll simply scan a QR code and will be signed up for the new identity service.

“Later on, they’ll see that as an [icon] on their phone,” Windley said.

Source: How blockchain could solve the internet privacy problem | Computerworld, Lucas Mearia, Computerworld | April 9, 2018

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Ford to Use Cryptocurrency for Inter-Vehicle Communication System | Bitcoin

The CMMP tokens are used to validate and authorize a transaction in which, at consumer vehicle request, the merchant vehicles either occupy slower lanes of traffic themselves, or allow the consumer vehicle to merge into their own lane and pass as necessary. The participating merchant vehicles gain CMMP tokens from the consumer vehicle.

Source: Ford to Use Cryptocurrency for Inter-Vehicle Communication System | Bitcoin, Samuel Haig, March 28, 2018

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Singapore Airlines to Launch Blockchain-Based Loyalty Wallet – CoinDesk

In an announcement on Feb. 5, Singapore Airlines (SIA) said it will launch a digital wallet for its frequent-flyer KrisFlyer program in six months that will be powered by a private blockchain.

According to the airline, the blockchain-based wallet will enable members of the program to spend their air miles at retail partners for point-of-sale transactions.

Source: Singapore Airlines to Launch Blockchain-Based Loyalty Wallet – CoinDesk, Wolfie Zhao, Feb 5, 2018

Thanks, Frédéric Dionne!

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US Congress Releases Extraordinary Report Praising Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology | The Daily Hodl

The US Congress just released its massive joint report on the state of the economy, and for the first time an entire chapter is dedicated to cryptocurrency.

What’s even more extraordinary are the number of bullish sentiments on the future of the emerging technology.

Source: US Congress Releases Extraordinary Report Praising Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology | The Daily Hodl, Staff, March 19, 2018

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Major Canadian Bank Files Patent To Make Credit Scores… | News | Cointelegraph

According to the patent, the traditional manner of calculating a credit score is “not transparent”. Customers are not always informed when certain data affects their credit score, nor do they “have the tools to take control of their credit score.”

With distributed ledger technology as described in the patent, customers would be “notified when third party credit checks happen or when the credit score changes.” For example, in the case of a missed bill payment that negatively affected their credit score, consumers would be sent a credit alert.

Source: Major Canadian Bank Files Patent To Make Credit Scores… | News | Cointelegraph, Molly Jane Zuckerman, March 17, 2018

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John Oliver Tackles Cryptocurrency on Last Week Tonight – Bitcoin News

Crypto heads will have learned nothing from Sunday’s edition of Last Week Tonight, though the show’s four million viewers should have gleaned a few insights amidst all the jokes. There have certainly been worse attempts at summarizing the world of cryptocurrency, even if Oliver’s efforts are unlikely to trigger a renewed bitcoin frenzy. The episode felt as if Oliver had just learned of cryptocurrency 10 minutes before going on air, and felt obliged to bring his audience up to speed on its history and technology post-haste.

Source: John Oliver Tackles Cryptocurrency on Last Week Tonight – Bitcoin News, Kai Sedgwick, March 13, 2018

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Grocers Embrace Blockchain in New Era of Transparency | Progressive Grocer

“We’ve been very fortunate as an advocate for standards and education in industry to join the ride,” continues Nuce. “We built the UPC or the GTIN as a way for people to have interoperable identification all over the globe. These foundational traceability standards were developed many, many years before blockchain was ever a glimmer in someone’s eye. But now it’s all coming together.”

Source: Grocers Embrace Blockchain in New Era of Transparency | Progressive Grocer, Jenny McTaggart – Feb 16, 2018

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