How Blockchain Will Accelerate Business Performance and Power the Smart Economy | HBR

Political economist Francis Fukuyama predicted a future when social capital would be as important as physical capital, and that only those societies with a high degree of social trust would be able to create large-scale organizations capable of competing in the new economy.
The potential impact of blockchain is driving businesses to rethink existing business models, re-examine opportunities previously thought nonviable, and explore a new frontier of opportunity that can impact the bottom line and benefit society.
It takes a growth mind-set and mission-driven approach to activate progressive change and make it happen. The organizations that have the agility to reinvent themselves, that rise above the noise to unlock new business opportunities in a commercially viable way at speed, will thrive in the digital age.
Source: How Blockchain Will Accelerate Business Performance and Power the Smart Economy | HRB difference, October 27, 2017