The IRS Has Been Using Bitcoin Tracking Software Since 2015 | CoinDesk

The IRS states in the documentation that it’s using the software to “trace the movement of money through the bitcoin economy,” going on to explain:
“This is necessary to identify and obtain evidence on individuals using bitcoin to either launder money or conceal income as part of tax fraud or other Federal crimes.”
Source: The IRS Has Been Using Bitcoin Tracking Software Since 2015 – CoinDesk
The IRS Has Been Using Bitcoin Tracking Software Since 2015 | CoinDesk
The IRS states in the documentation that it’s using the software to “trace the movement of money through the bitcoin economy,” going on to explain:
“This is necessary to identify and obtain evidence on individuals using bitcoin to either launder money or conceal income as part of tax fraud or other Federal crimes.”
Source: The IRS Has Been Using Bitcoin Tracking Software Since 2015 – CoinDesk